The gift of kindness

We're encouraging everyone to #KeepItKind this December.

It’s the season of giving and we’ve been thinking about the gift of Kindness and what it means to everyone at Household. We’ve decided to support Help Refugees, Hackney Night Shelter and Tamar; three charities that help causes that are close to our hearts. Read on to find out more about why we chose them, the amazing work they do and how you can get involved too.
Help Refugees, Hackney Night Shelter, Help Refugees


Tamar works to give hope and support to women in the sex industry – half of whom have been trafficked – through practical, emotional and spiritual support. Our Senior Strategist Lucy recently stepped down to join our family of freelancers and work full time for the charity.
From providing a birthday gift for one of the women Tamar has befriended, to paying for a creative class that’s a safe space for the women to build friendships and community, donations as little as £5 make a massive difference.

Help Refugees

Help Refugees is a group of everyday people taking action to help refugees. Building bridges not barriers is key to Household’s international outlook, and after our Insights Researcher Iona ran the Budapest Marathon in support of the charity we wanted to celebrate her achievement and the amazing cause that she ran in aid of too.
The charity depends on donations to distribute much needed aid. A priority list of supplies needed can be found here. It’s updated every week, depending on what is currently in the warehouse. You can find your nearest donation drop off point by contacting [email protected]. And if you’re London based you can drop off your donations at Brixton Cycles, 296-298 Brixton Road.
The charity has also launched ‘Choose Love’ stores in New York and London where people can learn about refugees while purchasing practical gifts for them.

Hackney Winter Night Shelter

Hackney Winter Night Shelter is right on our doorstep. Traditionally we have supported Shelter every Christmas, but decided this year that we wanted to support the homeless community in our local area, and help Hackney Winter Night Shelter supply a safe and place to stay and a warm meal during the cold winter nights.
Homeless shelters are always in need of volunteers, so why not find out where your local one is and see how you can get involved. And as the weather gets colder, if you see someone sleeping rough over the coming months, you can read Hackney Winter Night Shelter’s advice on how to help here.

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