
Using emotiveye™ to define future soft ice experiences

Unilever aimed to define the future of their soft-ice brands to drive category growth and global market share. The first challenge for Household was to gain a real-time understanding of how Unilever soft-ice brands were performing in the market through observation and intercept research with customers and franchise owners.

We captured customer experience in real time

Using our bespoke online research tool emotiveye™, we interviewed 30 customers across two locations and charted what they saw, thought, felt and did at each touchpoint of the journey with quotes, images and rich video data.

Ice cream stall, Unilever, Insight and Innovation Roadmap by Household.
Children eating ice cream, Unilever, Insight and Innovation Roadmap by Household.

We shared insights, market analysis and global best practice innovation to inspire working sessions with mixed teams of Unilever experts. We facilitated group teams over a number of days, to build soft ice cream products, services and experiences for in and out of the home, informed by both the customer and retailer. Led by Household, the stakeholder teams co-created future experience roadmaps for the defined propositions to win with customers and drive commercial value.

Our emotiveye™ findings became an experience map for each brand.

Client workshop, Unilever, Insight and Innovation Roadmap by Household.

“Emotiveye™ allowed a wealth of insights to be captured and analysed easily, enabling stakeholders to really immerse themselves in the eyes of the customer and understand the business challenges of different environments.”

Dr Alannah Warner, CTI Lead, Unilever